Bush People T-Shirt
Rahel Ungwanaka
Light blue cotton T-shirt featuring artwork design by Kumantjai Rahel Ungwanaka - 'Bush People' (2018). Artwork Story: You can see we are going to find food. We are walking, looking for the grass with the little seeds to make Marna (food) flour. There are poeple sitting and talking, sitting around and rubbing the Puta (stone), making flour. You can see on the lid the same two people sitting and talking, rubbing the seeds to make flour. On this pot you can see Pluma Mapa (lots of flowers)! Urlpaatja (Parrot) is there too he lives in holes in the trees at night time. Ulpaatja Kara marra (parrot is good meat)! The little ones we likel Perentie is there too.. Kara marra again! you can see the kwaarra (little girl) satnding on puta (rock), watching the perentie and ulpaatja. Pmurlpa (Quandong) marna marra (good food)! They are all falling on the ground. You can see arrkutja picking them up. We pick them up and put into the coolemon to take back to pmere (home).